Category: Zakat and Khums
Total : 153 Results
Question ID 4179 Monday 29th of January 2018
Salam alaikum, I am a muqallid of Ayatullah Sistani. I am from India (Mumbai) and currently living in Mohali, a city in Punjab. There has been a Masjid construction going in the city and there is no place for Namaz and other activities. I have some Khums money with me. Can I give the Sehme Imam part of the khums for that masjid construction? They do not have any Ijaza as of now. Jazakallah.
We need details about the masjid construction committee and how much they
have spent and how much they need more.
Question ID 4172 Wednesday 24th of January 2018
Salam Alakium I usally pay my khums on 31 januar. I december 2017 I bought some shirts which I will use in feburay 2018 but I have not used them yet. Is khums liable on them?
Khums is not liable on the unused cloth which you have purchased recently
because one year did not pass from date of the purchase.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4164 Tuesday 16th of January 2018
Salam Alakium I usally pay my khums on 31 januar. I december 2017 I bought some shirts which I will use in feburay 2018 but I have not used them yet. Is khums liable on them?
Khums is not obligatory on them because it is now less than one year from
the date of purchase.
Question ID 4154 Monday 8th of January 2018
Salam alkium Can I borrow money from a person who has not paid khums? I donĀ“t see it as a problem because in the end the money is not mine? Salam
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes it is allowed to borrow from him. He is responsible of his Khums and
you are responsible of your Khums.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4149 Saturday 6th of January 2018
Salaam Alakum, My name is Sajjad Suleyman and I have a question regarding khums. If an individual receives student loan. Then is he eligibly to pay khums, if only the loan is his source of income? This loans repayment will be payable after I start earning at a certain amount. Kind regards Sajjad Suleyman
If you spend the amount on your livelihood and nothing remains, then there
will be no Khums. If it remains, the Khums is applicable on the remaining
amount only after one year from receiving it.