Category: Marriage

Total : 371 Results

Question ID 1821 Wednesday 6th of August 2014


asalamunalykum can I do mutha with a vurgin girl if our pernts are not allowing to do so and we are falling in a major sin day b day taqlid aga e sadeq rohani


عقد الرجل على البکر الرشيدة بدون أذن أبيها صحيح لا إشکال فيه مطلقا
The above answer is from the site of Ayatullah Sayyed Sadiq Rohani. His
fatwa is allowing the marriage if the virgin girl is mature enough. Many
Ulama say that Mut'ah in this case should not include sexual intercourse.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1817 Tuesday 5th of August 2014


Asalam unalaikum syed musavi, I am 16 yr old boy. I want to marry and atleast do mutah to save myself from sins. I have asked my mother but she dosent allow me and dosent understand my problem. So can i do mutah marriage without fathers permission?? I read that mature boys have the right to marry without pemission. I also cannot control my desires and do my best to stay away from sins. What is your advice. I follow ayatullah sistani.


You as a man do not need permission of your father in your marriage, but
try your best to keep the respect of your parents and never hurt their
Keep fasting as much as you can, because fasting helps controlling sexual
Remember the great reward in the Paradise for those who control their
desires for the sake of Allah.
Keep on repeating Salaat and Estighfaar.
Mohammad al-Musawi


Question ID 1780 Sunday 27th of July 2014


Salaam Sayd, Please help me so that I do not fall into sin. I entered a muta marriage with a christian woman. Before we read the marriage formula I asked whether she was single and she said yes. Later I found out she is still seeing her old boyfriend. So she lied to me. They are not married. But i think they are in boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. I do not know whether they have had intercourse or not after I entered the muta marriage with her. is my marriage to her void or is it ok? walsalam




Question ID 1776 Saturday 26th of July 2014


Ref to qn id 1669: if a wife does reach orgasm due to her husband and both are unaware of the ruling and initially did not mean to reach climax, what are consequences in terms of the fast, qadha and kaffara.


=E2=80=8BIf they did not have the intention of reaching climax, they may ke=
Qadha, but there is no Kaffara.
Mohammad al-Musawi=E2=80=8B


Question ID 1752 Wednesday 23rd of July 2014


Salaam, If one enters a muta marriage with a woman and later finds out she was lying about not being in relationship with another man. 1) Is this muta marriage valid? 2) If they have not had intercourse yet can he leave her without paying the mahr (dowry)? 3) now he knows she is still with the other man can he still be in the muta marriage or does he have to stop it. wasalam


If he discovers that she is currently married to some one else, any type of
marriage, or she is passing a waiting period ( IDDAH), then the Mut'ah
marriage is immediately invalid, and there is no dowry on him for her. He
will not be allowed to have any relationship with her, and if he
deliberately does that, it will be a major sin, and she will become
permanently Haraam for him.
Mohammad al-Musawi


WABIL - World Ahlulbayt(as) Islamic League, London.