Category: Taqleed
Total : 32 Results
Question ID 2355 Tuesday 10th of March 2015
How does a mujtahid get ijtehad ? Please explain the process?
Ejtihaad is an scientific ability which happens in some very highly learned
scholars who have enough knowledge to make them able to deduct the Islamic
rule from the main evidences (Quran, Sunnah, Aql and Ejmaa').
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 2347 Saturday 7th of March 2015
Does ayatollah sistani have an email id other than in his official website becausewhenever i send him through it i do not get a reply or it does not get submitted?
Try this email
Question ID 2021 Saturday 25th of October 2014
how to know whether a person is adil?
If you see him yourself in his day to day life avoiding sinful acts and
performing all the obligatory acts, then he is Adil as you have witnessed.
You may get witness of at least two trusted persons that the person
concerned is Adil. If you see good people who are religious practicing deal
with him as Adil, e.g. Pray behind him,nyou can take this act as a
practical witness from them that he is Adil.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 2006 Sunday 19th of October 2014
Can a person choose any mujtahid for taqleed in the mean while he is the process of finding an alam and later will do his taqleed?
Taqleed is for the most learned and not less learned. Experienced Ulama
should be asked about the most learned.
Question ID 1973 Friday 3rd of October 2014
Right now I do not know any people who are going to najaf those who were going are going directly after hajj till then what should i do about the rules relating to salat fasting khums etc since i cannot follow any mujtahid since i unable to know the alam now what rules should i follow?
You may ask the trusted Ulama is your country who can tell you what the
Ahlul Khubra say about who is the A'lam among the Mujtahideen.
Mohammad Al-Musawi