Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 4412 Tuesday 25th of September 2018
What to read in Sajdah sahu
Two Sajda of Sahw are obligatory to repair some errors during the Salah, i.e. saying Salaam in wrong place or altering a word out of the recitations of Salah, unintentionally or doubting between four of five Rak'ats etc.
It starts with first Sajda and saying during it (BISMILLAH WABILLAH ASSALAMU ALAYKA AYYUHANNABIYYU WA RAHMATULLAH WA BARAKAATOH). Second Sajda is the same, then Tashahhud then sating Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakaatoh.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4368 Wednesday 22nd of August 2018
AOA! Im a muqlid of Ayatullah Sistani. Just wanted to ask that can we offer prayers behind an Imam who reads Shahadat e Salsa in tashahud provided that we ourselves are not reading it. Will our congregational prayer be valid?
Adding any word on Wajib Tashahhud is not allowed and it invalidates Namaz if it was done intentionally.
Question ID 4327 Monday 28th of May 2018
Salam It is said that as a traveler we must keep the Fast if we Arive in our City before Zohr does Zohr mean before Zohr Prayer or Zohr at 12 pm ? Thank you?
Zohr Prayer (Azan Time)
> On 28 May 2018, at 06:28, Yama Reply-To:
> Mr/Mrs Yama
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Salat
> Question : Salam
> It is said that as a traveler we must keep the Fast if we Arive in our City before Zohr does Zohr mean before Zohr Prayer or Zohr at 12 pm ?
> Thank you?
Question ID 4312 Sunday 6th of May 2018
Assalamualaikum, refer to Q4055, mushrik are not allowed to enter masjid for tourist purpose. Can u give me guidance on how for me to properly stop them from entering masjid as a tourist
You can inform those who are looking or managing the Masjid to keep the respect of the Masjid by not allowing Mushriks to enter the Masjid.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4308 Friday 4th of May 2018
Salam Maulana, i am still new follower, refer to Q1364, salat waaledain when to perform i cannot find a detail due to spelling i guess. And no 2. When to recite tasbih arbaa during 3rd and 4th rakaat? No3. If in jamaah while praying and somebody getting sick do we allow to stop praying to help. Thanks
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
1. Salat for Walidain (reward for parents) can be performed any time.
2. In 3rd and 4th rakat, we recite tasbeehaat Arbaah instead of Sura Al-Fatiha while standing.
3.Yes it is allowed or May Be compulsory to help even if you have to stop your prayer as far as it is urgently required to help others.
Mohammad Al-Musawi