Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 4211 Monday 19th of February 2018
Assalaamun alaykum sayyid, as discussed please could you give references for ending the salaat with Allahu Anbar 3 times from Sunni hadith , thank you Rohail
Salamun Alaykum wr wb
The Prophet (SAWA) used to say( Allah Akbar ) 3 times after every Salah.
1. In Bukhari, Vol 1, Page 204 (Arabic edition) and Muslim , Vol 2, Page 91 and 92, and Abu Dawood ; 1 ; 226, Chapter of Takbeer after Salah:
: From Ibn Abbas: I used to know the end of the Salah During the time of The Prophet (SAWA),when I hear the Takbeer.
2. In Musnad Ahmad Bin Hanbal ; from Ibn Abbas : I never knew the end of the Salah of the Prophet (SAWA) but only when I hear the Takbeer.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4201 Wednesday 14th of February 2018
salaams REfering to number 26636 is it saying Taravih is accepted? WOuld you please translate this? I came across this link بررسی سندی نماز تراویح در معتبرترین کتاب روایی شیعه which is referring to the hadith above? many thanks and bless you regards, Ali
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Nothing at all in this link or any where else in Shia and even Sunni books supporting Namaz Taraweeh. We have Night Prayer or Tahajjud (Namaz Shab) which is performed individually, but Taraweeh is a Bid’at because it is been started long after the Prophet (SAWA) by Umar Bin Khattab in year 14 after Hijra (Refer to Bukhari Hadeeth 2010 and Muslim where Umar himself called Taraweeh as a Bid’at).
These people are deceiving and trying to mislead others claiming that there s an evidence in Shia books about Taraweeh, while the link has only Hadeethes on the individually performed Night Prayer not Taraweeh which they do it with congregation.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4193 Friday 9th of February 2018
AoA, When traveling on an airplane when the time is going backwards, for example coming from Pakistan to USA, the time for salat is also going backwards. Are we supposed to pray salat by timing, even though we are leaving on a Monday at Fajr time and arriving on the same Monday at Fajr time, or perform the salat within those hours of traveling backwards? Salam
Whenever the time of Fajr starts on you wherever you are, you must perform Fajr Prayer. Going towards west will not require you to repeat your Fajr Prayer again unless the air starts again on you.
Question ID 4187 Tuesday 6th of February 2018
بسمه تعالى Asslamo Alaykum Please provide ruling for the following matter: In obligatory prayers Is it permissible to recite the following as form of dua before beginning tashud: الحمد للہ الذی جعل من المتمسقین بولایتہ علی Prior before recitation of the two testimonies tashud: اشھد ان لا الہ الا اللہ واشھد ان محمد عبدہ و رسول اللھم صلی علی محمد و ال محمد If one has been reciting: الحمد للہ الذی جعل من المتمسقین بولایتہ عل As a form of dua prior to the two testimonies is the salaat correct ? Regards Wslaam Alaykum
It is allowed to recite Dua during Namaz, but what you have written is not
a Dua.
It can be اللهـم اجعلنا من المتمسكين بولاية
أمير المؤمنين
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 4186 Tuesday 6th of February 2018
Salam 1) How do I know I’m out of my City as a traveler since there is no Walls ? Do I follow the Signs? 2) On what conditions does my Salat becomes shortened? I ask this question because I go to a Masjid which is located out of my City and I asked one of the knowledgeable person if I should Pray Qasr he said no your prayer doesn’t become shortened you should Pray full and then he said I live in a City which is far from where you stay Which is 60/70 km far and he doesn’t Pray Qasr. What is the knowledge behind this ? Thank you
1. When you don’t see the houses and properties of the city, this means you are out of the city. You start counting the distance from the start of that area where you don’t see the houses of the city.
2. If you travel for more than 22 Kilometre going and same distance returning,(total more than 44 Kilometre ) your Salah must be Qasr there.
Mohammad Al-Musaw