Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 1852 Friday 15th of August 2014
While offering salaat, What should be the distance between a Meharm man and woman while the mehram woman prays behind the mehram man
His place of standing should be ahead her place of Sajda.
Question ID 1829 Friday 8th of August 2014
For a few years I did my wudhu wrong for prayer do I have to make up all those prayers?
Yes if you are sure that your Wudhu was really invalid.
Question ID 1819 Wednesday 6th of August 2014
As salam Alaykum... There is one question regarding Aazan…. In the mosque for Namaz If Aazn is called by recording (MP3/or any other ins player) not by any particular Mu’azin to showing the caused no body has good Qerat,proper knowledge of Arbic,so using the MP3 for Aazan calling Is it valid or not ? Plz guide me…
It is valid.
Question ID 1813 Monday 4th of August 2014
zohr or asr ki namaz mila kr parna chahe to kis time parhe. hmare city me zohr 12.30 or asr 5pm hota h. maghrib 7.15 isha 9 pm to in dono ko kis time mila kr parhe. kya koi ek namaz ko niyat me qza kehna hoga ya nhi?
After performing Zohr Namaz, it is recommended to recite Tasbeeh of Janab
Fatima (AS) and Du'a and Quran. After Ta'qeebaat, you can pray Asr.
Same situation after perfroming Maghrib and its Ta'qeebaat , you can pray
Isha Namaz.
No question of Qaza here as both Namaz are been performed within its time.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1779 Sunday 27th of July 2014
during congregational prayers if a person know that two people whose namaz is void but they are in a same row will that invalid my prayer if I am reading behind them ?
If they stand together in the first row, then they separate others from the
congregation (Jama'ah), but if they pray in any other row (not the first)
then no harm at all on others.
Mohammad al-Musawi