Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 1033 Saturday 11th of January 2014
When in wudu, if we see a non mahram, our wudu breaks. But when we do wudu for majalis and leave the house for majalis, we see so many non mahrams down unintentionally. So does tht break the wudu? Also, in haram of imam raza, ladies and gents, when they pray furada namaz, they both pray in front of non mahrams in the haram. So is that namaz and wudu valid?
Wudu does not break at all because of seeing non. Mahram.
The Furada Namaz of ladies in front of gents is valid in public places like
Kaba , Haram etc.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1032 Saturday 11th of January 2014
Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. What is the exact time to perform isha salat? can I perform this before I am going to sleep?, but I used to sleep around 9-10pm. Please help me how to get even only one turbah for my salat. Sukran and wassalam.
Time of Isha Salat starts immediately after you perform Maghrib and remains
till midnight. You must perform Isha Salat in this time.
I have already posted to you a Turba but not sure whether your received it
or not.
Mohammad al-Musawi
On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 12:22 AM, Jolland Castro
> Mr/Mrs Jolland Castro
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Salat
> Question : Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. What is
> the exact time to perform isha salat? can I perform this before I am going
> to sleep?, but I used to sleep around 9-10pm. Please help me how to get
> even only one turbah for my salat. Sukran and wassalam.
Question ID 1000 Thursday 2nd of January 2014
Salaam alykum, I wanted to ask if reading Ali-yun waliyullah in our prayers is allowed? Jazakallah
We can not change Tashahhud by adding on it any thing which was not said
by Ahlul Bayt (AS). We do not have any Hadeeth or narration that any of the
Infallible Imams said in the Tashahhud Ashhadu Anna Aliyyan Waliyyullah.
The narrations state that we can mention the name of Hazrat Ali (AS) after
Tashahhud within. Du'a
Mohammad al-Musawi
On Thu, Jan 2, 2014 at 3:01 AM, Tahseen Shah
> Mr/Mrs Tahseen Shah
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Salat
> Question : Salaam alykum, I wanted to ask if reading Ali-yun
> waliyullah in our prayers is allowed? Jazakallah
Question ID 990 Tuesday 31st of December 2013
Sa, First thankyou very much for the prompt response. I have question, please advice. I have IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) and hence my gastic production are more in my Body, Alhamdolillah I perform regular Salaam and most of my time in midnight in Shab and Ziyarats. So mostly I have to Wuzu atleast 7-8 times as my namaz get baatil due to fart. I have noticed this happen mostly while praying due to motion and Namaz excercise... In this scenario can I pray while sitting as I found this helpful. Also please advice help in this.
No, you are not allowed to pray your obligatory prayers in sitting oosition
brcause you are able to stand. You have to pray in standing position during
the time when there is no gas.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 979 Friday 27th of December 2013
Why shia Muslim have a name of hazrat Ali (as) included in azaan ? And why do not other Muslim ?
The name of Hazrat Ali (AS) was announced in Azan as Ameerul Mo'mineen
immediately after the announcement of Ghadeer on 18 of Thul Hijja year 10
after Hijra. it is Mustahab (recommended) to mention this fact of Ali as
Ameerul Mo'mineen is Azan. In Sunni books like Al-Salaafah Fi Akhbar
al-Khilafah by al-Shabrawi page 36, Azan was announced after Ghadeer with
the name of Ali as Ameerul Mo'mineen. Later on the enemies of Imam Ali (AS)
banned it, but the followers of Ahlul Bayt (AS) keep mentioning this great
fact which is the spirit of the Real Islam and the continuity of the
religion of the Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).
Mohammad al-Musawi