Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 503 Wednesday 29th of May 2013
Salam. Can I perform salat, reciting in silent way or it should be with the voice?
Salaat must be recited with voice (either clear or low), but not always
clear voice. Clear voice is must for men reciting Morning, Maghrib and Esha
Prayers. Other prayers (Dhuhr and Asr) are to be recited with low voice
like whispering (Ikhfaat).
We do not have in Islam any silent prayer.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 458 Tuesday 7th of May 2013
Dear Sir ASAK, Please advise, what niyat one must make while praying Qaja salat for their parents who died. for eg. if i have to complete remaining salat of 10 years. Kindly guide us how we can complete prays of 10 years Best regards Faraz
Just to keep in your heart the the intention of performing Qaza Namaz on behalf of father or mother.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 429 Wednesday 24th of April 2013
Salamun alaikum. 1. Can a traveller saying Qasr namaz lead Friday prayer as Imam with wajib (obligatory) niyyat? 2. Can a traveller say Friday prayer with wajib (obligatory) niyyat?
Q1. Can a traveler saying Qasr namaz lead Friday prayer as Imam with wajib
(obligatory) niyyat?
A1. Yes.
> Q2. Can a traveler say Friday prayer with wajib (obligatory) niyyat?
A2. Yes.
Question ID 411 Tuesday 9th of April 2013
Salamun alikum. What happens when there is a slight change of facial expression during salat? Does it invalidate namaz? Salam.
It should not change the state of Salat means does not make you look as if you are not praying or like those who are not in Salat.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 393 Saturday 30th of March 2013
Do we have to follow Qira'at (rules of Arabic which we do while reciting quran) during Salah like while reciting the two sura’s or in zikr of ruku or sajdah etc?(marja ayatollah sistani)
Yes, we have to do our best to make our Qira'at perfect during every part
of Prayers.
Mohammad al-Musawi