Category: Marriage
Total : 371 Results
Question ID 5524 Monday 16th of August 2021
salaam alaikum. Aga , recently i tied my nikah but i still live with my parents (my rukhsati hasnt been done , marriage ritual ) .Do we have all the possible rights on each others bodies ? is it ethically more better to wait untill rukhsati ? iltemase e dua
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Yes, it is better ethically to wait till Rukhsati. Don=E2=80=99t do somethi=
ng which
is not accepted by your parents. Wait and don=E2=80=99t hurry. Many who did=
things before Rukhsati have repented later on.
Question ID 5523 Saturday 14th of August 2021
Assalam alaikum I had my nikah read last year in my home. however moulana did not ask us (bride, groom or witnesses) to sign any paperwork or contract. therefore we have no written contract of the Nikah. Due to lockdown we were unable to register the marriage in the masjid. The masjid committee have now said they are unable to register the nikah in their marriage book as too much time has lapsed. Do we need to have the nikah read again in order to sign a contract? Is my nikah valid? I am very confused as we are getting so many different advice.
Wa Alaykum Assalam wr wb
Your Nikah is valid. Nikah validity does not have a condition that Nikah to
be written, although writing it is useful sometimes in certain situations,
but it is not a condition.
Muhammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 5520 Wednesday 4th of August 2021
follow up to Question ID 5519: although my husband has not asked about it I feel extremely guilty and have a lot of anxiety about this situation as this occurred while I was engaged to him. If it had occurred before maybe i would not feel guilty but I was engaged to him and talking to someone else as well which makes me feel I am lying to him even now. Please tell me how to deal with this situation. I love my husband and don’t want to break my marriage or hurt him.
*You should not hurt the feelings of your husband by telling him about your
previous sins. You need to sincerely seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT) and
never disclose your sins to anyone except Allah (SWT).*
Question ID 5519 Wednesday 4th of August 2021
Follow up to Question ID 5517 am I considered a cheater according to Islamic values or was it just a different sin?
*You are not considered a cheater if you don=E2=80=99t disclose you previou=
s sins
to your spouse as far as he did not ask you. You must seek forgiveness from
Allah (SWT).*
*Muhammad al-Musawi*
Question ID 5517 Tuesday 3rd of August 2021
While I was engaged to my fiancé I was in love with someone else and would talk to them while I was engaged. During those conversations sometimes they would be inappropriate and sometimes I would post my pictures on social media for that other person to see. This went on for almost two years. Then I realised it was wrong to be involved with someone while being engaged to someone else so I cut them off a month before my marriage. During my engagement I also had contact with my fiancé as well. I got married to my fiancé and fell in love with my husband. Now I worry that I am lying to him by not telling him what happened during our engagement and that I am a cheater. I want to know if its islamically okay for me to not disclose this to my husband?
No need to tell any one about your previous sins but only Allah who knows
everything and you must seek forgiveness from Him.
What you did was very wrong but telling your husband about your sinful acts
might hurt his feelings and shake his trust in you and harm both of you.
Keep on seeking forgiveness from Allah (SWT).
Muhammad al-Musawi
On Tue, 3 Aug 2021 at 5:36 PM, r> wrote:
> Mr/Mrs r
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Marriage
> Question : While I was engaged to my fianc=C3=A9 I was in love wit=
> someone else and would talk to them while I was engaged. During those
> conversations sometimes they would be inappropriate and sometimes I would
> post my pictures on social media for that other person to see. This went =
> for almost two years. Then I realised it was wrong to be involved with
> someone while being engaged to someone else so I cut them off a month
> before my marriage. During my engagement I also had contact with my fianc=
> as well. I got married to my fianc=C3=A9 and fell in love with my husband=
. Now I
> worry that I am lying to him by not telling him what happened during our
> engagement and that I am a cheater. I want to know if its islamically oka=
> for me to not disclose this to my husband?