Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 1743 Monday 21st of July 2014
Salamunalycum, Sir, My quation is below, 1. I can pray namaz with wife seprate neeyat in the house? 2. I can pray namaz behind wife seprate neeyat in the house? Not jamat
Yes you can pray Furada but you should be ahead.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1733 Saturday 19th of July 2014
Slamunalycum, My quation is below; 1. I can pray namaz with wife in the house ? 2. I can pray namaz behind wife in the house ? thanks shukran h zaidi bom.
1. I can pray namaz with wife in the house ?
=E2=80=8B=D9=90A. Yes you can but if you want to lead the Namaz, you should=
fulfil the
conditions of leading Jama'at like being 'Aadil and proper Qira'at etc.=E2=
2. I can pray namaz behind wife in the house ?
=E2=80=8BA2. No, you are not allowed to pray Jama'at behind your wife or an=
y other
Woman can only lead women in Namaz not men.=E2=80=8B
> =E2=80=8BEven praying Furada, woman should pray behind man.
Mohammad al-Musawi=E2=80=8B
> =E2=80=8B
Question ID 1732 Saturday 19th of July 2014
Salaamu alaykum Sometimes during salat I think of my wife and i become excited and sometimes i get an erection. I my salat void and do i need to repeat it? walsalam
Salat is not void, but the real Salat needs your heart to be with Allah ,
not with worldly matters. Your Salat will be elevated when you concentrate
on it, and not when you think out side your Salat.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1689 Wednesday 16th of July 2014
Salaamunalikum....while reciting Quran wajib sajdah come but how many time to do sajdah and what should we recite...jazakallah
Just one Sajda and you may recite any Zikr of Allah, or even recite nothing
because it is just a Sajda.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1661 Sunday 13th of July 2014
Asalam aleikum, my question is regarding the qibla. Most of the sunni mosques i have been to seems like the qibla's direction is incorrect. I have taken a compass with me to check and notice that the qibla direction is few degrees incorrect. So is it ok to pray few degrees away from the qibla? and why do all sunni mosques have incorrect direction of the Qibla?
Yes, many Sunni mosques are having incorrect Mihraab. This is because they
do not really care to be accurate in regions practices.
We must face the correct Qibla while praying.
Mohammad al-Musawi