Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 1151 Saturday 15th of February 2014
Assalamoalaikum maulana sahib, 1-Can we offer namaz e maghfirat for parents if they are still alive????? 2- who we can pay Rad e mazalim to????
> Q
> 1-Can we offer namaz e maghfirat for parents if they are still alive?
A. Yes. Any recommended worship can be gifted to living or dead Mo'min.
> Q
> 2- who we can pay Rad e mazalim to?
A. Poor Mo'mins or Marja' Taqleed who spends it on poor persons.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1149 Friday 14th of February 2014
Salam syed pls clear my big doubt on salat while praying sometimes we feel tht we passed gas but we're not sure about it and we continue praying. In tht case, is the namaz valid?
If you feel that you passed gas , your Wudhu is invalid and Salah is also
invalid .
If you are not sure , then your Wudhu and Salah are valid.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1142 Thursday 13th of February 2014
Can namaz shab be prayed before 12 at night? Eg. 11:30 pm and i heard that 8 rakats nafela is not compulsary. U can pray 3 rakats. Thats true?
Yes you can pray Namaz Shab before you go to bed even if it is before
midnight. We have narrations that it is allowed to pray Namaz e Shab any
time after Namaz e Isha for those who find it difficult to wake up or
remain awake till midnight.
The full Namaz e Shab is 11 Rak'ats, and the short form of it is three
Rak'ats and the shortest form is just one Rak'at of Witr.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1122 Tuesday 4th of February 2014
Salam un alike...i want to learn the mustahab prayers inshallah..can you recommend a book plz?
There are many books containing Mustahab prayers. You may read Mafateehul
Jinan by Shaikh Abbas Qummi which is available in many languages, and
Tohfatul Awaam in Urdu language.You may also visit www.duas.irg
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1118 Tuesday 4th of February 2014
Salamun-Alaikum If a person joins the jammat in the starting of the second raka'at then can he recite dua-e-kunoot in his first raka'at (which will be the second raka'at of the jamaat)?
Yes he can because Qunoot is Mustahab (recommended) and can be recited in
such case. After reciting Qunoot in his first Rak'at which is the second
Rak'at of the Jama'at, he may recite Qunoot again in his second Rak'at.
Mohammad al-Musawi