Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 636 Tuesday 30th of July 2013
I was living in 'New Delhi' for around 3 years in a rented house and then I left that city 7 yrs back and migrated to another country to work over there.But my brother is living in New Delhi and we bought a flat there as well. Now sometimes ,once or twice in a year , I visit New Delhi and stay in that Flat for less than 10 days, say for example 3-4 days, Then how should I pray over there during this period of stayof 3-4 days ? Should I consider it my watan and pray full salat or should I pray Kasr(Shortened) Salat? Jazak Allah.
If you left Delhi for good and shifted to another place with out any intention to return back to live in Delhi, then Delhi does not remain a native place for you. You are then a traveler
Question ID 632 Monday 29th of July 2013
Salam. If praying individually, is it obligatory to call for iqamah before performing all obligatory salah or can I perform salah directly without an iqamah? How about for non-obligatory salah? Sukran...
For every daily obligatory Prayer, it is recommended to read Athan then
Iqamah even if you are alone and pray individually. The Hadeeth says that
two rows of angles will pray then behind you if you read Athan and Iqamah.
If you read Iqamah only, one row of angles will pray behind you. If you
pray your Prayer with out even Iqamah, you will pray alone. Iqamah is
highly recommended for every obligatory daily Prayer especially for Salat
al-Fajr and Salat al-Maghrib, but if you leave it, your Prayer will remain
Beside the obligatory daily Prayers, there is no Athan nor Iqamah for any
other Prayer including all recommended Prayers.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 598 Sunday 14th of July 2013
Salam. I have four (4) questions regarding salat. 1. Can I perform fajr prayer before dawn (more or less 30 minutes before dawn), or it should be after dawn and before sunrise? 2. Can I perform sunnah prayer before fajr, and if I can, how many rak'at? 3. Can I perform Witr before fajr (meaning I sleep after isha prayer) or it should be after isha prayer? 4. What are the sunnah prayer for every fard salah and how many rak'at? Sukran and Wassalam.
1. Can I perform fajr prayer before dawn (more or less 30 minutes before da=
wn), or it should be after dawn and before sunrise?
A1. Fajr prayer can not be performed before dawn because it's times starts f=
rom dawn and ends on sunrise.
2. Can I perform sunnah prayer before fajr, and if I can, how many rak\'at?=
A2. Yes you can. The Sunna (Nafila) of Fajr prayer is two Rak'ats.
. Can I perform Witr before fajr (meaning I sleep after isha prayer) or it s=
hould be after isha prayer?
A3. Yes you can.
4. What are the sunnah prayer for every fard salah and how many rak\'at?
A4. Fajr : two Rak'ats before the Fajr prayer.
Dhuhr : eight Rak'ats ( two then two then two then two) before the Dhuhr pr=
Asr: same as Dhuhr before performing the Asr prayer.
Maghrib: four Rak'ats ( two then two) after performing the Maghrib prayer.
Isha: two Rak'ats in sitting position after performing the Aisha prayer.
Mohammad al-Musawi.
Question ID 595 Sunday 14th of July 2013
assalamu alaykum sayed, i have come across this website and was wondering whether these sources are viable and if one should recite the third shahadah in tashahud? jazakallah khayr, Darver Malik
Tashahhud can not be changed by any one and we have to recote as it was
recited by the Prophet (SAWA) and Ahlul bayt (AS). We can mention the name
of Amirul Mo'mineen in the form of Du'a. The narration in the website do
not say more that this.
Question ID 586 Thursday 11th of July 2013
Salam. Sukran for immediate response... You brother and this website is helping me a lot for more knowledge. May ALLAH (SWT) reward you in the hereafter... This is a follow up for my question with Question ID 580. If time of Fajr prayer starts immediately after dawn, therefore, Fajr is in between DAWN and before SUNRISE, am I right?
Yes, Fajr Salat time starts on dawn and ends on sunrise.
Sent from my iPhone
On 11 Jul 2013, at 01:15, Jolland H. Castro
> Mr/Mrs Jolland H. Castro
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Salat
> Question : Salam. Sukran for immediate response... You brother and this website is helping me a lot for more knowledge. May ALLAH (SWT) reward you in the hereafter...
> This is a follow up for my question with Question ID 580.
> If time of Fajr prayer starts immediately after dawn, therefore, Fajr is in between DAWN and before SUNRISE, am I right?