Category: Salat
Total : 298 Results
Question ID 1399 Monday 19th of May 2014
Salamun alaikum. If a person during namaz unintentionally says, before completing the last word of a sura, the word of the next act e.g before completing the word of the sura unintentionally raises his hands and says Allah O Akbar what should he do? Should he go back correct the mistake and continue or say his namaz all over again?
His Namaz is valid as far as he did not do that intentionally.
He should complete the Sura and go ahead in his Namaz.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1364 Sunday 11th of May 2014
Salaam Alaykum Syed Mohamed Musawi. I have one question regarding salatul waaledain. How do you pray this namaaz? The method which I pray is. It is a 2 rak'at namaaz, in the first rak'at After sura-al-Hamd I raise my hands and recite 10 times Sura-e-Ibrahim ayat number 41. In the second rak'at after sura-al-hamd I again raise my hands and recite 10 times Sura Nuh verse number 28. After completing the salat I go to sujood and recite 10 times part of Sura Al-Israil verse number 24. Please advise. Jazakallah.
Yes, the way which you have written is correct. May Allah accept from you.
Keep on praying this SDDalaat every day if you can or as much as you can.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1328 Saturday 26th of April 2014
Salam alaikum Sayed Moosawi If you are born in a country but you dont live there any more do you have to pray full namaz when you go there for holiday's even if it is less than 10 days? Thank You
If you do not intend to live in that place even in the future, you are a
traveller there and your Namaz is Qasr if you intend to stay at that place less
than ten days.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1305 Wednesday 16th of April 2014
If the word 'MUSIC' is written on a t-shirt, can it be worn for salat? And what t-shirts cannot be worn for salat?
Such t-shirt should not be worn at all because it propagates and encourages
sinful act.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1300 Wednesday 16th of April 2014
Salamun-Elaikum; I want to get someone who can do kaza namaz for my mother(Sadqua Bano) for 4 years (2) My Father(Syed Haider Ali Rizvi) for 10 years (3) My younger Brother(Syed Shabib Haider) for 5 years. Please let me know if your organization can arrange the same.As I am aware of your organization is working for those affected in Iraq and other countries. Please let me know what would be the hadiah for the same in Indian rupee. Regards, Syed Shakeel Haider
Salamun Alaykum wr wb
There are qualified people who perform Namaz on behalf of the deceased and
we trust that their performance and Qira'at are perfect. Usually the Namaz
for every year costs five hundrednDollars while fasting for one month costs
three hundred Dollars.
If you need our help to arrange that on behalf of your late family
members, you may email the details to