Category: Divorce
Total : 47 Results
Question ID 3774 Monday 27th of March 2017
Bismillah alrahmaan rahiim Salam aleikom I have a question concerning a temporary marriage. If a man divorces his wife in temporary marriage by saying "I hereby exempt you from the remaining time of marriage" three times during the marriage does the wife become haraam? Wasalam My marja is Sayed Ali Sistani.
If he intentionally told her that he is exempting her from the remaining period, the Mut’ah marriage is over immediately.
If they want to continue together, they need to recite a new agreement of Mut’ah marriage with new Mahr and new period.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3525 Monday 29th of August 2016
1- Can a man return to his wife within Iddah period after she takes Khla from him
Yes if he returns what she has given him for getting the Khula from him,
then the Talaq will be Raj'ee and he can return to her during Eddah period.
Mohammad Al-Musawi
Question ID 3396 Wednesday 15th of June 2016
As salaam aleykum. I am from India, city mumbai 400 009. Thankyou. Was Salaam.
=E2=80=8BYou can refer to Najafi House
> Hawza Elmiyyah
=E2=80=8BNishan Para road
Mumbai 400009=E2=80=8B
> =E2=80=8B
Question ID 3394 Wednesday 15th of June 2016
Salaam Aleykum I am an indian age:34 married since 10 years with two kids. My problem is I took divorce from my husband in back two years..but due to lots of pressure husband, family and maulana as well i made Ruju again with him on basis of to give him a last chance.., My husband is an abnormal person vhe gas a very bad abnormal eating habbit and many more i cant survive with him anymore coz of unhigenic standard of living plus he never gives me my own personal expenses and evry time he fights nd asked me to divorce now its is limit for me Now scholar over here is not ready to make my divorce with him saying sit like that till 80 years and no one is around me to help me out , i was trying to contact you since one year but no link to get add with you. I urge you please help me out and asked aalim over here to take my case and also he didnt pay maintenance of my kids since two years surviving with two kids is becoming so difficult now a days there are lots of needs for my kids upbringing like getting admission schools and daily expenses. I am looking forward for a positive reply as soon as possible. Was salaam.
> =E2=80=8BIf you write your country and city or town, we will iA search fo=
> suitable persons to help you there.=E2=80=8B
Question ID 3376 Friday 10th of June 2016
Salaam, I am separated from by wife and she will be asking me for an Islamic divorce and my question is can I marry someone in a islamic nikah and without the marriage licence I am asking because still divorce is still in the process of finalizing but we (my new wife to be) do not wish wait to marry. Thank you jameel
Muslim man is allowed to get married again if he can fulfill all the
Islamic conditions.
Mohammad Al-Musawi