Category: Divorce
Total : 47 Results
Question ID 1489 Wednesday 11th of June 2014
Salaam alai kum , If some female is not living with her husband since last 7 months and living with her parents and they have not even seen each other in last 7 months and they got divorced, what would be the IDDAH period for this female? Jazak Allah.
The IDDAH will be the usual IDDAH period which is three menstrual cycles.
Separation does not cancel the IDDAH.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1182 Thursday 27th of February 2014
Assalam o alikum My question is about my divorce, I m in saudi arabia and my wife is in pakistan. Oneday v had a fight over telephone and during that fight I said talaq 3 times to her. Ist talaq now as per islam. Please answer me in the view of shia and sunni both.
Such Talaq is invalid because it does not have the conditions of an Islamic
Talaq. She is still your wife and you are her husband.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1150 Saturday 15th of February 2014
AOA, Molauna sb. Small clashes are part of life. But my wife and her parents did not try to solve them with mutual consent and make them as matter of their ego and just asked for divorce at any cost, whenever I tried to contact her she uses the words that you are just waste of time, you are split personality, you are not worth making, this marriage is over. I tried to solve the issues at any cost and apologize them because I have small baby and he will be divided in this case, but she said he is my baby you don't need to worry about him, her parents supported her fully. We tried to solve the issue on family level but they insulted my parents and family members as well and don't respond us properly. eventually I send her a court paper with three divorces on it, I thought they might become serious to talk. 1- In above situation, was she eligible for divorce? 2- She took khulla from non religious court and seegha e tallaq from an aalim (I Dont know how) and done her second marriage. Is that valid? 3- Is she still my wife? Regards
Salamun Alaykum
Please refer to a local Alim. I have already replied your question.
Mohammad al-Musawi
On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 10:50 AM, Syed Faheem
> Mr/Mrs Syed Faheem
> posted a new question on wabil website, the details are below...
> Category : Divorce
> Question : AOA,
> Molauna sb. Small clashes are part of life. But my wife and her parents
> did not try to solve them with mutual consent and make them as matter of
> their ego and just asked for divorce at any cost, whenever I tried to
> contact her she uses the words that you are just waste of time, you are
> split personality, you are not worth making, this marriage is over.
> I tried to solve the issues at any cost and apologize them because I have
> small baby and he will be divided in this case, but she said he is my baby
> you don\'t need to worry about him, her parents supported her fully. We
> tried to solve the issue on family level but they insulted my parents and
> family members as well and don\'t respond us properly. eventually I send
> her a court paper with three divorces on it, I thought they might become
> serious to talk.
> 1- In above situation, was she eligible for divorce?
> 2- She took khulla from non religious court and seegha e tallaq from an
> aalim (I Dont know how) and done her second marriage. Is that valid?
> 3- Is she still my wife?
> Regards
Question ID 1128 Friday 7th of February 2014
SALAM, 1- What is Tallaq E Raji (Reversable)and Can A women re-marry to another person after taking tallaq e raji? 2- If a wife take court khulla (without following the shari process) and marry to another person. What will be status of her new babies from this new marriage in the eys of Allah? (Halal/Haram) My wife did her second marriage in Pakistan without taking legal divorce from me (I was not agree for her khulla and also they did not give me any gift or mahr as well) so that is why I am asking this question. Regards/Iltamas e Dua
Salamun Alaykum wr wb
1. Talaq e raj'ee is the usual divorce when a husband willingly gives
divorce to his wife. He can reverse such Talaq and make it void within
three periods of menses. He does not need any new Nikah but to say to her
or behave with her as a wife, then Talaq e Raj'ee is void.
2. Kula' Talaq needs the acceptance of the husband to take something agreed
to divorce his wife. If the husband did not agree, then no Kulaa'. If the
husband was not giving his wife her rights and the Talaq took place from
the Haakim e Shariah according to proper procedure, then it is valid.
Mohammad al-Musawi
Question ID 1120 Tuesday 4th of February 2014
AOA, Maulana sb. If husband and wife have some issues in between them and wife is stubborn and continue asking for divorce rather then coming on a point and say we are not made for each other. And then husband says ok if you need divorce you will get it. Through court he send her a divorce stamped paper with three Divorce, Divorce and Divorce? Would their Divorce valid? What is the islamic way of Divorce? Regards
Islamic divorce has many conditions, if any of them is not fulfilled, it
will be invalid. These conditions include pronouncing it in front of two
pious witnesses , and many other conditions. Court paper does not mean
Islamic divorce at all unless the court is an Islamic court run by
authentic Ualama. Three Talaqs at one time are also invalid.
Mohammad al-Musawi